Saturday, October 15, 2011

Online Collaboration

            Digital collaboration is an important part of how we communicate.  Teachers, students, parents, and administrators should be encouraged to communicate with each other through easy to use online collaboration documents.
            Google provides one of the most common, user friendly, collaboration sites.  When you sign up for a free Google email account, you have access to Google Docs, Google Calendar, and several more significant features. Google Calendar is an online-based calendar, which can be shared with countless users.  Users can create tasks, events, and important memos.  This makes scheduling available to every party.  Harborview Elementary uses Google Calendar to schedule the laptop cart between all the teachers.  The MAT program uses Google Calendar to schedule our classes, important events, travel dates, and assignment due dates.
            Google Docs is in an online-based word document, which every user can see, edit, and collaborate on at the same time.  Students can edit each other’s work.  Teachers can plan together.  My mentor teacher and I use Google Docs to do our weekly planning, keep student grading information and countless other administrative tasks.  We also use it to share information with parents and some parents who assist in our classroom can contribute to logging student information.  Using these features allows for easy access for every involved party.  Planning is simplified by the ability to collaborate from multiple locations.
            Another online collaboration tool is Elluminate. Elluminate is software provided through the university that allows online interaction.  This can be used to hold meetings or classes.  Collaborators are provided with the means to speak, listen, write, type, and see each other’s ideas through the interactive screen.
            Dropbox is an online-based site, which allows users to share information easily from laptops, desktops, and phones.  It’s a site that allows back up of all digital files.  These files can be easily shared with others and accessed at any time from any location online.
            These online collaboration sites are a brief example of the available resources for educators to communicate with each other.  Communication between students and teachers should be ongoing and constant to effectively share ideas, feedback, and the logistics of education.


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