Saturday, October 22, 2011

Boolean Searches

Instructions: Using a search engine that supports Boolean searches, try each of these special search keys.

Name: R Milligan Searching for chocolate wine

-Search Keys
-Purpose of limiter
-What did you find when you tried it? How many hits? Was this limiter effective?

AND- To only bring up sites that have both chocolate and wine (not one or the other) I found it was helpful because it did not bring up things with only one or the other. 231,000,000 hits. Very effective

OR- Brought up sites with chocolate or wine 237,000,000 hits. Effective in bringing up all sites with either chocolate or wine

NOT To only bring up sites with chocolate that do not have wine associated 525,000,000 hits. Not effective because it brought up sites with both wine and chocolate

“ “ To bring up pages that had chocolate wine stated as one item, not just pages that had one or the other. 461,000 hits. Sort of effective, but not great. First few pages were sites with chocolate wine in the title and after that it brought up random pages with both

* To bring up all pages that have chocolate wine in lower and upper case and plural and singular 680,000,000 hits. Effective because it brought up more results (not being specific choosing results)

+(plus) To only bring up sites that have both chocolate and wine (not one or the other) 233,000,000 hits. Almost the same as using AND.

-(minus) To only bring up sites with chocolate that do not have anything about wine in them 787,000,000 hits. Very effective for finding sites with chocolate, but not with wine

5 Others You’ve Found:

-Title search (chocolate wine) 233,000,000 hits. Not sure this was effective, as the results brought up sites with anything with chocolate and wine

-Chocolate wine -recipes 183,000,000 very effective as it did not bring up all the recipe sites.

-chocolate wine recipes "I love chocolate "1,080,000 hits. Effective as it limited the results

-chocolate wine "I dont want to taste the wine" 1 hit. Very, very effective because it was so limited it only brought up one hit.

-chocolate wine -food -alcohol 43,700,000 hits. Effective because it did not bring up any wine, mainly food dishes.

1 comment:

  1. A type of search allowing users to combine keywords with operators such as AND, NOT and OR to further produce more relevant results. For example, a Boolean search could be "hotel" AND "New York". This would limit the search results to only those documents containing the two keywords. At SourcingLab you can easily create Boolean searches across multiple platforms and store them for future searches.
