Thursday, November 3, 2011

Educational Value of Podcasts

        Podcasts or webcasts are being more widely used in elementary classrooms as an instructional tool and hands-on technology experience for students.  Podcasts are digital medial fillies (audio or video), which are stored online and can be shared.  Podcasts can be subscribed to by listeners and broadcasted around the world (Freyer, 2007)
            Westly Freyer is an advocate for using Podcasts in his elementary school in Oklahoma.  In a Podcast, discussing the benefits of technology integration he said, “Compelling reasons to think about Podcasting in your classroom are to provide a virtual window into your classroom and information for parents or others that have a connection to learners.”
            Diana Oblinger speaks of the educational impacts of Podcasts as student learning activities and assessment, titled Podcasting in the Classroom.  Oblinger said that students are motivated to create their best work when creating media projects.  She said that creating final media projects (such as Podasts) allows for unlimited integration of subjects and requires students to apply a wide range of critical thinking skills (Oblinger, 2006).  By keeping current with Podcast postings, students are additionally motivated to keep current with their learning. 
            Librarian Ester EachKrider discusses the two reasons to integrate Podcasts into the classroom.  She said, “There are two basic types of podcast use, each valid in the K–12 library (or classroom) setting: to retrieve information (accessing podcasts created by others) and to disseminate information (creating and sharing podcasts),” (EashKrieder, 2011).  By exposing students to Podcasts they are exposed to thoughts of the world.  Most importantly, students are able to share their thoughts and learning experiences.

Fryer, Westly. (2007). EdTech Talk. Podcast179:Podcasting in the ElementaryClassroom. Retrienved from:   classroom-a-conversation-on-edtechtalk/

Oblinger, Diana G. (2006). EDUCAUSE. Podcasting in the Classroom. Retrieved from:    31

EashKreider, Ester. (2011). Information Today, Inc. Podcasting 101 for K-12 Librarians.             Retrieved from: